
This morning I woke up and, not up to cross-stitch first thing, I threw in a load of laundry and decided to print out my invitations.  It took awhile (I printed in batches of 10 so I could stop printing if my ink started to run low), and by the time I was done I was pretty awake.  Why waste the energy?  Why not make an invitation?

I’ve talked about my invitations before, and the main design is still based on the Michael’s Classic Blue Invite though with an Indian twist and a dash of South Jersey shore Victorian charm.


Project materials

  • Wedding invitations (I used the Pearl Ivory Border design by Gartner Studios)
  • 1 sheet 8 1/2 by 11 inch cardstock
  • Paper cutter
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Decorative paper punch (I used one by Martha Stewart)
  • Clear stamp and stamp block (I used the “Butterfly” design (style 96392) and stamp block by Inkadinkado
  • Ink (I used “copper” by Inkadinkado)
  • Stamp cleaner (I used the recommended water based cleaner by Inkadinkado)
  • 5/8 inch ribbon (I used orange)
  • 3/8 inch ribbon (I used a shimmery pink)
  • Something decorative to place on the center=point of the ribbon (I used ivory shimmer table confetti in a 5-petal flower shape by Brides and purchased from A.C. Moore)
  • Spray adhesive (I used Elmer’s Craft Bond Spray Adhesive)
  • A pair of good, sharp shears
  • Bone folder
  • Glue (I used Scotch scrapbooker’s glue)
  • Dot glue (I used an Ad Tech dot glue runner)


1. Measure the long side of the cardstock to 6 inches and cut with the paper cutter.  Save the smaller piece (you can use it for the reception cards).  On the larger piece, measure and mark in pencil the 4.25 inch mark.  Mark close enough to the edge that the mark will be removed by the decorative punch OR far enough in that the mark will be covered by the invitation when completed.  Line up the center mark on the punch with the pencil mark.  Punch along the side, starting from the middle and working outwards.  Repeat on the opposite side.

1a: Measure and cut at 6 inches

1b: Save the smaller piece for the reception cards.

1c: Measure to 4.25 inches and mark with pencil

1d: Punch from the center and working outwards

1e: Punch the opposite side. The cardstock is now finished.

2. Using the paper cutter, trim ~1/4 inch from each side of the invitation so the raised pearl border is at the edge.

2a: Trim ~1/4 inch from each side

2b: Trimmed invitation with raised pearl trim now at edge

Completely trimmed invitation

3. Stamp the invitation.  Use the grid on the stamp block to line up the stamp on the invitation – this will allow you to stamp each invitation in the same place.  I first placed the stamp on the invitation exactly where I wanted it, and then placed on the stamp block on top so that the gridlines lined up with the edges.  I placed a stamp in the lower right corner and in the center of the left-hand edge.

Stamping materials

3a: Place the clear stamp where you want it on the invitation

3b: Place the stamp block on top of the clear stamp so the gridlines line up in a way that will let you stamp the other invitations the same place.

Stamped invitation

Stamped invitation

4. Stamp the invitation’s envelop in the same places as the invitation.

Stamped envelope

Stamped envelope

5. Place the 5/8 inch (orange) ribbon along the top of the invitation, just below the pearl edge.  Cut the ribbon, leaving a short overlap on each side.  Use the glue dot runner along the back side of the ribbon, and place the ribbon on the envelope.  Adhere the overhanging ribbon on the back using the glue dot runner.

5a: Place the 5/8 inch ribbon along the top of the invitation and cut it with the shears, leaving a short overhang on each side.

Step 5b: Run the glue dot runner along the back of the ribbon

5c: Adhere the ribbon onto the front of the invitation, placing it directly below the pearl edge

5d: Using the glue dot runner, adhere the overhanging ribbon onto the back of the invitation

6. Repeat using the 3/8 (shimmery pink) ribbon, attaching the ribbon to lay in the middle of the 5/8 ribbon.

6a: Place and cut the 3/8 inch ribbon

6b: Run glue runner along back of ribbon

6c: Adhere the 3/8 inch ribbon in the center of the 5/8 inch ribbon

6d: Adhere the overhanging ribbon to the back of the invitation with the glue dot runner

7. Glue one flower to the center point on the ribbons, gluing each petal down.  Use the bone folder (or some other flat tool) to ensure each petal fully adheres.  Bend the petals of the second flower slightly up from the center.  Place a dot of glue on the center, and stick it to the first flower, placing it so the petals do not overlap.  Use the bone folder to ensure adhesion.

7a: Glue the entire back of a flower

7b: Glue the flower at the center of the ribbons. Use the bone folder to ensure complete adhesion

7c: After slightly bending up the flower petals, place a small dot of glue on the center of the second flower

7d: Glue the second flower to the first, using the bone folder to ensure adhesion and making sure the petals do not overlap

Close-up of completed flowers

8. Apply spray adhesive to the back of the invitation and attach it to the cardstock.

8a: Apply spray adhesive to back of invitation

8b: Attach invitation to cardstock

Completed project with completed invitation folder and envelope

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  1. […] by Heather Hope on July 28, 2010 · Leave a Comment  When I began the never-ending project of making my invitations, I found a perfect orange ribbon – a little satiny, a little shimmery, just the right […]

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